Kelas C



Minggu 19 Nov 2023

Dosen Hj.I.G.A.Aju Nitya Dharmani,SST,SE,MM

Waktu : 90 menit




Sebutkan dan ulaslah secara singkat(teori,data dan persepsi) sedikitnya 5 kasus pelanggaran etika bisnis selama tahun 2022/2023 di Indonesia.

Buatlah Video Bukti pelanggaran Perlindungan Konsumen dg ulasan lengkap terstruktur ( ada logo univ, ada nama dan nim, nama dosen pengampu, tugas uts, sumber)

(Apa kasusnya, siapa pelaku yang melanggar & siapa yang dirugikan, apa jenis pelanggarannya dan ulasan dasar hukum pelanggarannya, bagaimana yang seharusnya )


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Berisi nama , nim , kelas.


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14 komentar:

muhammad adi prasetyo / 01219022 mengatakan...

Nama : Muhammad Adi Prasetyo
Nim : 01219022
Prodi : Manajemen C
Mata kuliah : Etika Bisnis
Tahun : November 2023
Blog mahasiswa :https://adiprasetyo01219022.blogspot.com/

kevinjones mengatakan...

Excited for ETBIS CLASS C UTS 2023! Your blog delivers insightful content, building anticipation for the upcoming event. A must-read for those eager to delve into the world of technology.
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Sigit Priyo mengatakan...

Nama : Sigit Priyo Utomo
Nim : 01223045
Prodi : Manajemen C
Mata kuliah : Etika Bisnis
Tahun : November 2023
Blog mahasiswa :https://sigitpriyo2303.blogspot.com/2023/11/kasus-pelanggaran-etika.html

charlotteausten mengatakan...

Exploring business ethics? This blog poses thought-provoking questions. Engage in ethical discussions and broaden your perspective on navigating the complex landscape of business ethics. A must-read reflection!
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Areng mengatakan...

Nama : Ganda Widi Prasetiyo
Nim : 01223063
Prodi : Manajemen C
Mata kuliah : Etika Bisnis
Tahun : November 2023
Dosen : Hj. I.G.A. Aju Nitya Dharmani, SST, SE, MM
Blog mahasiswa : https://gandawp.blogspot.com/2023/11/contoh-kasus-pelanggaran-etika-bisnis.html

DIAN BLOG mengatakan...

Nama : Dian Santi Rahmawati
Nim : 01223011
Prodi : Manajemen C
Mata kuliah : Etika Bisnis
Tahun : November 2023
Dosen : Hj. I.G.A. Aju Nitya Dharmani, SST, SE, MM
Blog Mahasiswa : https://diansanti01223011.blogspot.com/2023/11/ujian-tengah-semester-mata-kuliah-etika.html
Video : https://youtu.be/uqcbMwXhuqM?feature=shared

Uswatun H mengatakan...

Nama : Uswatun Hasanah
Nim : 01223060
Program Studi : Manajemen C
Mata kuliah : Etika Bisnis
Tahun : November 2023

Blog mahasiswa : https://uswafeb.blogspot.com/2023/11/tugas.html

Henry James mengatakan...

As we delve into the intricacies of the challenges that Indonesian businesses may encounter in the upcoming fiscal year 2022–2023, it is essential to pay attention to various factors encompassing theory, statistics, and public perception. Firstly, the economic uncertainties stemming from global events and geopolitical shifts can significantly impact businesses, influencing investment decisions and market stability. Secondly, considering the ongoing digital transformation, companies that fail to adapt or invest in technological advancements may face increased competition and operational inefficiencies. Thirdly, examining statistical data related to inflation rates and currency fluctuations could unveil potential financial hurdles for businesses, affecting pricing strategies and profit margins. Additionally, there might be perceptual challenges, such as shifts in consumer behavior or concerns about environmental sustainability, influencing market dynamics. Lastly, the increasing need for skilled labor and the potential skills gap could pose human resource challenges. Navigating these complexities may require strategic planning and, in some cases, businesses might contemplate seeking external expertise, such as considering the option to pay someone to do my online class for specific skill development.

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johnlarry mengatakan...

"UTS Kelas ETBIS 2023" adalah entri blog yang memberikan informasi penting tentang ujian tengah semester bagi kelas ETBIS tahun 2023. Posting ini memberikan jadwal, materi yang akan diuji, dan persiapan yang diperlukan bagi para siswa. Penyajian informasi yang jelas dan terperinci memudahkan pembaca untuk mempersiapkan diri dengan baik untuk ujian. Posting ini memberikan dukungan dan bimbingan bagi siswa dalam menghadapi tantangan akademik. Dengan memberikan akses mudah ke informasi yang relevan, "UTS Kelas ETBIS 2023" membantu siswa merencanakan dan mengelola waktu belajar mereka secara efektif. Overall, posting ini merupakan sumber daya berharga bagi siswa dan pendidik di Narotama University.
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Robert mengatakan...

El UTS de la clase C en ETBIS 2023 abarca temas clave para evaluar el dominio en conocimientos ||Nueva Jersey Conducción Imprudente||Dominican Divorce New York y habilidades específicas del curso. Este examen es una oportunidad para demostrar el aprendizaje y preparación en la materia.

Tara mengatakan...

The UTS Kelas Etbis 2023 is an examination for students enrolled in the "Etika Bisnis" (Business Ethics) course. This mid-term test assesses students' understanding of ethical principles, corporate responsibility, and business conduct. It evaluates their knowledge in applying ethical standards in real-world business scenarios and decision-making processes.
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Miageorge mengatakan...

This post on the UTS Kelas ETBIS 2023 is a great resource for students! It clearly outlines the key points and expectations for the exam, making it easier for students to prepare. The structure of the post is organized and easy to follow, ensuring that everyone can stay on track with their studies. I appreciate how it helps bring clarity to the exam process and provides useful insights. Thanks for sharing such helpful information for all the students!
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