Dari pertemuan zoominar hari ini Selasa 20 Oktober 2020 jam 09.00 wib,
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Jawaban yang dinilai hanya sampai Selasa tanggal 20 Oktober 2020 jam 23.00 wib1.Masalah mutu sumberdaya manusia pada berbagai perangkat
organisiasi koperasi menjadi masalah yang menonjol dan mendapat sorotan.
Subyakto (1996) mempunyai pandangan bahwa, kendala yang sangat mendasar dalam
pemberdayaan koperasi dan usaha kecil adalah masalah sumberdaya manusia. Juga
Pengurus dan karyawan secara bersama-sama -ataupun saling menggantikan- menjadi
pelaku organisasi yang aktif, dan menjadi front line staff dalam melayani
anggota koperasi. Keadaan saling menggantikan seperti itu, banyak terjadi dalam
praktik manajemen koperasi di Indonesia.
Hal lain adalah Kinerja front line staff yang kurang memadai memiliki
dampak terhadap kepuasan pihak-pihak yang memiliki kaitan dengan pengembangan
2.Koperasi merupakan lembaga yang harus dikelola sebagaimana
layaknya lembaga bisnis. Di dalam sebuah lembaga bisnis diperlukan sebuah
pengelolaan yang efektif dan efisien yang dikenal dengan manajemen. Demikian
juga dalam badan usaha koperasi, manajemen merupakan satu hak yang harus ada
demi terwujudnya tujuan yang diharapkan.
3. Prof. Ewell Paul Roy mengatakan bahwa manajemen koperasi
melibatkan 4 (empat) unsur yaitu: anggota, pengurus, manajer, dan karyawan.
Seorang manajer harus bisa menciptakan kondisi yang mendorong para karyawan
agar mempertahankan produktivitas yang tinggi. Karyawan merupakan penghubung
antara manajemen dan anggota pelanggan (Hendrojogi, 1997).
4. Menurut Suharsono Sagir, sistem manajemen di lembaga
koperasi harus mengarah kepada manajemen partisipatif yang di dalamnya terdapat
kebersamaan, keterbukaan, sehingga setiap anggota koperasi baik yang turut
dalam pengelolaan (kepengurusan usaha) ataupun yang di luar kepengurusan (angota
biasa), memiliki rasa tanggung jawab bersama dalam organisasi koperasi (Anoraga
dan Widiyanti, 1992).
45 komentar:
The cooperative movement has, however, for a long period of time been burdened with serious weaknesses and problems. The three basic weaknesses are: the economic viability of the major activities undertaken, the cooperative leadership and management capacity, and the lack of democratic control by the members.
Cooperatives and Equality: Equality counts among the six guiding values for cooperative enterprises, and open and voluntary membership is one of the principles to which cooperatives subscribe. Cooperative enterprises also have a “one member, one vote” system, which ensures that decision-making powers are equally shared amongst their members. Being people-centered enterprises, cooperatives focus on the needs of their members and of the communities in which they operate, rather than on financial returns alone. Learn more.
Cooperatives and poverty reduction: Cooperatives, as self-help organizations, contribute to the eradication of poverty through the economic and social progress of their members and employees and by stimulating the economies and enhancing the social fabric of the communities in which they operate.
Cooperatives and employment generation: Cooperatives help to create, improve and protect the income and employment opportunities of their members by pooling the limited individual resources of members to create business enterprises that enable them to participate in production, profit-sharing, cost-saving or risk-taking activities.
Cooperatives and social integration: Cooperatives promote social integration and cohesion in the face of inequalities in social capabilities by empowering and giving voice to the poor as well as marginalized groups and by promoting the organization of federations and alliances.
Cooperatives and globalization: Cooperatives work towards fair globalization – one that is fundamentally inclusive, sustainable, and people-centered – by creating business entities that promote solidarity among peoples, greater accountability, deeper partnerships, and fairer rules and standards that offers equitable opportunities for all.
Cooperatives and post-crisis/conflict, reconstruction and reintegration in disaster areas: Cooperatives through their economic model which stresses self-help and mutual aid, promote local economic and social development. Cooperatives also help facilitate social and political reconciliation, and provide access to financial services and spur employment, as exemplified in their valuable role in rehabilitating survivors of the East Asian Tsunami.
What are the basic problems of the cooperative? and what is the solution?
cooperatives, low commodity prices, the agricultural economy, operational difficulties, and increasing costs were the most frequently mentioned problems man- agement faced the past year. Second-tier problems included labor, low margins, com- petition, and weather
cooperative movement has, however, for a long period of time been burdened with serious weaknesses and problems. The three basic weaknesses are: the economic viability of the major activities undertaken, the cooperative leadership and management capacity, and the lack of democratic control by the members.
Cooperative Problem Solving” is a process by which the parties involved in a problem. or dispute: • Sit down together; • Listen to each others' points of view; • Identify common fears, hopes and interests;
Examples of cooperative solution
The inability to attain the cooperative solution when scarcity is common is particularly troubling since this is where human suffering is often great.
What are the basic problems of the cooperative? and what is the solution?
cooperatives, low commodity prices, the agricultural economy, operational difficulties, and increasing costs were the most frequently mentioned problems man- agement faced the past year. Second-tier problems included labor, low margins, com- petition, and weather
cooperative movement has, however, for a long period of time been burdened with serious weaknesses and problems. The three basic weaknesses are: the economic viability of the major activities undertaken, the cooperative leadership and management capacity, and the lack of democratic control by the members.
Cooperative Problem Solving” is a process by which the parties involved in a problem. or dispute: • Sit down together; • Listen to each others' points of view; • Identify common fears, hopes and interests;
Examples of cooperative solution
The inability to attain the cooperative solution when scarcity is common is particularly troubling since this is where human suffering is often great.
What are the basic problems of the cooperative? and what is the solution?
The cooperative movement has, however, for a long period of time been burdened with serious weaknesses and problems. The three basic weaknesses are: the economic viability of the major activities undertaken, the cooperative leadership and management capacity, and the lack of democratic control by the members
Solution relies on the educational background of the workers and the critical thinking as well. Analyzing the input and output is crucial as well
Abdulrahman Jamal 01218186
The basic problem of cooperatives Lack of public knowledge of cooperatives Cooperative management that is still far from professional Community reluctance to become cooperative members Explanation: Cooperatives are a reflection of the people's economy, because cooperatives are formed by people who are members of cooperatives, which aim to improve economic welfare, by means of cooperatives, however cooperatives are very difficult to develop due to several factors such as public knowledge of cooperatives.Internal Problems Most of the cooperative managers are elderly, so their capacity is limited; Cooperative managers are also figures in society, so this "concurrent position" has the result that the focus of their attention on cooperative management is reduced so that they are less aware of environmental changes; That the mistrust of cooperative members creates difficulties in recovering it; Due to limited funds, efforts to maintain facilities (machines) were not undertaken, even though technology was rapidly developing; this results in a relatively high cost of goods that reduces the competitive power of cooperatives; The administration of activities has not met certain standards so that it provides incomplete data for decision making; Likewise, statistical data mostly do not meet the needs; Most of the members lack solidarity to cooperate on the other hand, the members owe a lot to the cooperative; With a relatively small business capital, the business volume is limited; however, if you want to increase the volume of your activities, your skills will not be able to cope with massive effort; also because the incentive is low so that people are not moved to run a large, complex business. b. External Problems Increased competition from other business entities that freely enter the business sector being handled by the cooperative; Due to the revocation of certain facilities, the cooperative is no longer able to run its business properly, for example, the fertilizer distribution business that was previously distributed by the cooperative through the cooperative is no longer so that they are forced to find it themselves. The community's own response to cooperatives; because of the failure of cooperatives in the past without any accountability to the community which has led to distrust in the community regarding cooperative management; The price level is always changing (rising) so that current sales revenue cannot be used to continue the business, it actually shrinks the business.
A Cooperative Solution
This self-governing corporate structure protects communities and prospers
by Riccardo Lotti, Peter Mensing, and Davide Valenti
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Illustration by Eboy
Four times a year, as many as a thousand clients of each local branch of Rabobank, a leading Dutch institution and one of the world’s 25 largest banks, assemble to discuss business. They are not typical shareholders who have convened to hear speeches and garner information about profits. They are citizens from the local municipality — lawyers, accountants, contractors, shopkeepers, schoolteachers — with equal voting power in the governance system of that branch and a keen interest in the daily workings of the bank. As members of their local Rabobank cooperative, they collectively affect local decision making. And because each local Rabobank board takes part in decision making at the central bank’s governance council, they have influence at the highest organizational level as well.
“That’s thousands of your clients coming to you,” says Bert Heemskerk, chairman of Rabobank’s executive board, with evident enthusiasm. “These members discuss whether they think the bank did well or not, and they have an interest in voting on the issues raised at each local board.”
The members of the bank took part recently, for example, in voting on whether to merge some of its branches. That is the kind of crucial decision usually made by top management. But at Rabobank, it was the focus of long debate among all the members. It took Rabobank’s central organization nine months, many personal discussions, and two general assemblies to build consensus throughout its vast constituency on the consolidation issue. By the end of 2006, the number of Rabobank member banks will drop from 400 to 200, a move seen as crucial to retaining a competitive edge.
At first glance, Rabobank’s lengthy and diffuse decision-making process may seem complicated, unwieldy, perhaps even preposterous. But this all-inclusive operating style is typical of businesses with a cooperative structure — of which Rabobank is a forward-thinking, massively successful example. Today, Rabobank is among the largest financial-services providers, with d475 billion (about $575 billion) in assets, 9 million customers, and operations in 37 countries. Rabobank has a consistent triple-A rating from the top rating agencies (Moody’s, Standard & Poor’s, and DBRS), rare among financial-services institutions. Mr. Heemskerk is clearly proud of the member-by-member engagement policies that enable such economic feats. It leads him to boast that “We are Rabo, and Rabo is for us.”
That phrase is echoed about 1,000 kilometers south in Florence, Italy, where a major retail advertising campaign announces “La coop sei tu” (“Co-op is you”). The slogan, put forth throughout Italy by a consortium of regional retail cooperatives under the brand name COOP, has become a national catchphrase — one that is backed up by the fact that in Tuscany alone, cooperatives in general count 1 million members out of a population of 2.5 million.
The membership-based governance structure of a cooperative is the feature that distinguishes it from an ordinary corporation — and the feature that lies at the core of its success. The organization is run by its members: one person, one vote. Members elect representatives, who are directly accountable to the members. Depending on the internal structure and operations of a particular cooperative, members may also participate actively in making decisions and setting policy. Some cooperatives admit individuals, typically either employees or customers, as members. Other cooperatives are composed of smaller businesses and organizations. Rabobank and COOP are examples of both; they are consortia of local cooperatives that in turn have individual members.
Nama : Mohamad Bagus S
Nim : 01219147
1. Co-operative groups are challenged in interacting with the market.
Co-operatives buy inputs in such small quantities and so infrequently that it is not worthwhile for input supply firms to make an effort to sell to them.
Co-operatives produce in such small quantities that it is not worthwhile for buyers to make an effort to buy from them.
Co-operative members do not feel comfortable interacting with larger or more formal businesses as they do not understand their business culture and norms.
Co-operative members do not feel comfortable negotiating business contracts or even basic pricing and ordering.
Co-operatives are influenced by informal rules and norms that limit their ability to interact with other businesses or their ability to benefit from commercial transactions in any significant way.
2. There is a lack of understanding by the development project of the realities and perceptions of co-operatives within their country's contexts.
A development project should understand the realities of co-operatives within their country context. For example, has there been a negative history of co-operatives leaving a lack of trust around this structure? Or perhaps the culture of the community itself is one of a lack of trust and a lack of cooperation, creating challenges within the co-operative structure?
3. There are general management challenges.
There is a lack of understanding or knowledge by farmers about the co-operative structure and co-operative management.
There is mistrust among co-operative members as well as amongst general members and the management / board. A key challenge within co-operatives is a lack of transparency between the governing board and the general members.
There are often a lack of leadership and managerial and financial management skills.
4. Co-operative members do not support the co-operative contracts with market actors. A common challenge within agricultural co-operatives is the issue of side-selling by co-operative members. This hinders co-operatives’ ability to predict production, fulfill contracts, and form lasting, trusted relationships with buyers.
.1 There is a growing awareness that many problems in society cannot be adequately dealt with by relying on a few to make collectively binding decisions without involving others, leaving poorly resourced individuals to tackle them on their own, or asking people to vote on options without any informed deliberation.
2. Evidence built up over decades from cooperative management, participatory engagement, and restorative practices have shown that better outcomes (e.g., business success, community safety, environmental enhancement, education attainment, social cohesion) can be secured when the people affected are enabled to cooperate together on equal and reciprocal terms to decide how to solve the problems they face.
3. The increasing acknowledgement of the value of ‘cooperative’, ‘mutual’, ‘co-productive’ approaches, however, is not always backed by sufficient appreciation of what the essential elements of cooperative problem-solving really are, or what it takes to implement them effectively. Therefore, decision makers, irrespective of the sectors in which they operate, should ensure that any verbal embrace of cooperative working is matched by a genuine commitment to apply cooperative problem-solving without leaving out any of the following four key features:
4. First, all those affected by the problem in question and any proposed solution should have the opportunity, with the help of a facilitator, to express their concerns. Under conditions of openness and equal respect, everyone who has a relevant point to make should be given a hearing, and no one who is abusive or seeking to dominate discussions should be allowed to disrupt proceedings.
nama: ivonne masitha arimbi
nim: 01219114
link: https://mynewesttask.blogspot.com/2020/10/cooperative.html
mohammed mahmood alhamati
The cooperative problems
The cooperative movement has, however, for a long period of time been burdened with serious weaknesses and problems. The three basic weaknesses are: the economic viability of the major activities undertaken, the cooperative leadership and management capacity, and the lack of democratic control by the members.
the solution
Solution relies on the educational background of the workers and the critical thinking as well. Analyzing the input and output is crucial as well
The cooperative problems
The cooperative movement has, however, for a long period of time been burdened with serious weaknesses and problems. The three basic weaknesses are: the economic viability of the major activities undertaken, the cooperative leadership and management capacity, and the lack of democratic control by the members.
the solution
Solution relies on the educational background of the workers and the critical thinking as well. Analyzing the input and output is crucial as well
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